Monday, July 4, 2011

Broadcasting your Linkedin Status Update

I wish to keep today's topic short and sweet.

Linkedin status update can sometime work as a tool which requires minimum work and has tremendous impact. Linkedin status update works as a tweet with all your connections as followers.

You just need a little bit of marketing acumen to think of a catchy one liner that can have an impact on your connections, a one liner which forces your connection to view your profile once again and keep you in their preferred candidate/professional contact list.

You don't always need to write that you are looking for a job. It might sound a bit too desperate. You need to find what works for you. For one person, a status update per day works for another once a month. Whatever it is, it should be catchy and should be able to make an impact. For example if you are in a technology sector and you post an update about a new technology which most people are not aware of , your job is done :)

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